#undiscovered 2021 @Yam_Xeon @keidaroo

  • Perhaps, even if one has the skills to come up with and implement this idea, it might end up being compiled in a research-like format.
    • The power and determination to go from brainstorming to crowdfunding and all the way to mass production is amazing, like Entrepreneurship.

Diver-X, World’s First! Announces VR Device “HalfDive” Optimized for Use While Sleeping - Aiming for Consumer Deployment for Gaming and Working While Lying Down | Press Release by Diver-X Co., Ltd.

  • Amazing (blu3mo)

  • Traditional VR synchronizes the input/output of the physical body in reality with the virtual body.

  • If the method of controlling avatars is no longer synchronized with the physical body in reality, a “humanoid avatar with two legs and two arms” would seem to be just one of many possibilities (blu3mo).

  • An experience without avatars seems intriguing.

    • Because you have discarded the physical body, you could potentially create a VR experience from a god-like viewpoint without limitations.
    • You can move around freely without issues.
  • There seem to be things that can only be done in a state without a sense of physical ownership.

    • Aggressive movements?
      • Well, you could do that from the start.
      • Well, not getting motion sickness seems beneficial.
    • Perhaps, there is a theory that there is no need to determine the information entering the sensory organs based on the current coordinates in 3D space (?)
      • When considering HalfDive as a device that feeds information to the sensory organs, there might be a form of experience that is not bound by the reproduction of a world that resembles reality (reproducing the world from the viewpoint of 3D spatial coordinates).
      • Traditional VR devices are designed with the assumption of placing oneself at a single coordinate in 3D space (such as HMDs and controller position tracking).
        • However, HalfDive seems to be different, so it could create an experience that does not place oneself at a single coordinate in 3D space.
      • I don’t know what that would look like.
        • The phrase is interesting, but I can’t think of a specific example.
        • Just a random thought.
      • For example, what would happen if different images were sent to each eye without stereoscopic vision?
        • You might be able to do something once you get used to it.

Yoshifumi Seki / 関 喜史 (@YoshifumiSeki)

HalfDive, I’m ego-surfing with maximum parental affection, but it’s a shame that it’s being perceived in the context of sleep VR. https://twitter.com/YoshifumiSeki/status/1437628422344241156

  • Very much so (blu3mo)(blu3mo)

Miscellaneous Notes

  • When considering the manipulation of the body and a virtual body,

    • Is there a sense of immersion when the manipulation matches the virtual body?
      • Is it embodiment? I can’t find the right word.
    • It doesn’t seem like it.
  • Instead, isn’t it more like a PC display?