Founded in 1864, Swarthmore is one of the top liberal arts colleges in the United States. While it focuses on liberal arts education, it also has a strong engineering program. One of its notable features is the Honors Program, which was established in 1922 and modeled after the tutorial system at the University of Oxford. To participate in this program, students must go through a selection process at the end of their sophomore year, where over 100 external scholars visit the campus to conduct oral examinations. Selected students engage in independent research and projects under the guidance of professors, gaining a learning experience similar to that of graduate students. To alleviate the pressure on incoming freshmen, the grades for the first semester are not evaluated on an A-F scale but rather on a pass/fail basis (CR - Credit or NC - Non-credit). However, evaluations by the professors are still kept on record.

Popular majors include Economics, Mathematics, and Information Science. 94% of students graduate.スワースモア大学

Excluding specialized STEM universities, Swarthmore has the highest rate of graduates obtaining doctoral degrees in the United States (third overall, including STEM universities, after the California Institute of Technology and Harvey Mudd College) (2006).

  • Access to the city is also good compared to other liberal arts colleges.

Swarthmore is a bit different from Amherst and Williams in the types of students they attract. Swarthmore is considered the most academically rigorous and intellectual of these three. Unsurprisingly, Swarthmore grads tend to earn PhDs in slightly greater numbers than Williams and Amherst grads (Baccalaureate Origins of U.S.-trained S&E Doctorate Recipients). Amherst and Williams grads go into finance and consulting in greater numbers and pursue more MBAs from top business schools than Swarthmore grads.

  • I still think Swat is great.