• Title: Untrodden final presentation manuscript

  • Take notes of any ideas or thoughts that come to mind from now on.

  • I want to present the graphs from the 23 Report in a more polished way.

    • I’d like to work on the design with axokxi.
    • I also want to prepare some videos if possible.
  • Since everything is already known to me, I can’t really evaluate the interest of my Scrapbox notes anymore.

    • I should get others to evaluate how interesting each piece of information is to someone who sees it for the first time.
    • Maybe have someone look at my past notes and discuss them one-on-one.
  • I want to think about the structure of the project.

  • https://note.com/tkgshn/n/n9f8bdf53d4d4

    • This could be a helpful reference for expression.
  • It seems like there’s quite a bit of humor.

    • Avoid overdoing it though.
  • Technical topics

    • Video processing
    • Elastic synchronization
  • Kaizen discussion

    • Want to cycle through the process.
    • Can talk about elastic synchronization and future collision avoidance.
  • I want graphs and tables comparing drinami with other services.

    • It could be expressed as a combination of NicoNico, Jamboard, and elastic synchronization.
  • I want to discuss synchronization, the sense of time sharing, and the concept of kairos time to convey the sense of thoughtfulness.

  • It might be good to start with a simple discussion of synchronization vs. asynchronization, demonstrate it, and then go into more detailed explanations and demonstrations.

  • It might be interesting to have videos.

    • The videos from Miro are interesting as they create movement using only the screen.
    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4PiBUVHlLo
    • It seems possible to represent real-time using videos, with the screen floating and moving horizontally like a flipbook.
    • Use cool After Effects animations to represent multiple students in 3D animation, each on a different timeline but still synchronized.
    • There’s an idea of having a timeline and writing things at various positions on it.
    • I have a visual image in my mind.
  • While reading Head that daydreams, hand that thinks, I had a thought.

    • Maybe the structure of the presentation doesn’t have to be 100% problem-solving focused.
    • However, in this case, it might be more difficult to convey the message.
  • It would be interesting to have the teacher go through the cycle, as it would make for an interesting story.

    • Can explain compatible classes and this is something I really want to aim for.
  • I want to focus on communication.

    • I want to explain the features by showing what kind of communication can be created with them.
      • For example, with the ability to review the past, you can write questions and jump to them later.
    • The demo should also focus on communication.
  • IPA recommended structure

    • Self-introduction: 1 minute
  • Structure

    • Intro
      • Self-introduction
        • I’m a high school student.
      • Starting from the origin (experiences with strong emotions)
        • Isn’t it difficult to operate asynchronously in class?
        • Connect it to being a high school student.
    • In many cases, YouTube is enough, but we can’t share time and have discussions with other students.
    • If we could manipulate time like in various fictions, it would be great.
    • So, I created something that can do that (ta-da!)
      • More accurately, I created something that can provide a similar experience.
      • Show the screen with a gif animation of the timeline.
        • Use gifs to show the presence of others.
        • How should we show the presence of people from the past…?
      • With this, you can have a synchronized feeling with others while also having the ability to operate like YouTube.
    • To organize the situation a bit more,
      • There is a trade-off between synchronization and asynchronization.
      • Talk about contextual synchronization, etc.

image - With this diagram, the feeling of sharing time with others may not come across very well. - Hmm…

- Detailed functions (related to the timeline)
    - Elastic synchronization
    - Future collision prevention
    - Past review
    - (future, past, now)

- Future expansion possibilities- Let's talk about something on a larger scale (like an introduction).
  • It is possible to imagine a world with various timelines.

  • Currently, everyone is connected to the Chronos timeline.

  • For example, you can spend time elastically and synchronously only during meetings at work.

  • Moreover, when considering this world with various timelines…

  • Kineto is a project that separates the “timeline of classes” as one of those timelines.

  • By doing so, the trade-off can be resolved.

  • We talked about something a little bigger, but to summarize:

  • Acknowledgments:

    • GKA teachers / User test participants
    • I feel a little sorry for not mentioning the PM, but I hope it’s okay.
  • Intended audience:

    • Persona like 2r96-san might be just right.
    • Also in terms of information science concepts.
  • Other possibilities:

    • Present the concept of a relative timeline world and then talk about it as one of the examples.
  • image

    • It seems good to follow this for the Imagine Cup.
    • Add a futuristic touch to it.