• AI (COMSW4701)

  • Search when generating something with LLM

  • Make Every Move Count: LLM-based High-Quality RTL Code Generation Using MCTS

    • Like (blu3mo)
  • Derivative of chain-of-thoughts

  • It’s all about how to define rewards~~ (blu3mo)

    • Thinking about tasks that seem easy to define
  • I might want to try this with a fictional paper title + abstract

    • Think about that chain
    • Wait, this is definitely going to be interesting (blu3mo)(blu3mo)(blu3mo)
    • Citations could be the reward or something
  • Ideas to do later

    • It seems possible to create several types of researchers
      • Like technical type vs vision type, bottom-up vs top-down, etc.
      • It seems like updating the type=prompt itself genetically could be possible (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
    • “Conferences” could also be simulated
  • It might be interesting in the context of SciSci as well

    • You could say, with this kind of system, this kind of paper was created
  • Different from MCTS

    • Take 3
    • Instead of traversing the tree, just take the top 3 normally
    • Just taking them would make the leaf nodes grow too much, so exclude leaf nodes without 3
    • Want to lighten the weighting as you go down to descendants.
      • When there are two parents and there is a stretched lineage, it’s delicate for the score of the parent who hasn’t contributed much to increase
      • Like with α=0.7, multiply α^depth by the value to be added to count and sum
  • => Simulation of Research Activities with LLM x Tree Search

  • This could be interesting if integrated with human feedback

    • I remember discussing an idea with (ritar) about using gaze information
    • If it catches attention