Summary: The author plans to stay in the Bay Area in October 2023 and may participate in a hackathon and an OpenAI conference. They expect to build new connections through their activities in the Bay Area.

Interesting point: Building a network in the Bay Area can have an impact on their future career and research.

Alternative: They could make their stay more meaningful by clarifying their specific activities and goals.

Critical analysis: The specific schedule and activities are not yet clear.

Question: What do they want to achieve during their stay in the Bay Area? What are their specific goals?

Summary: Seattle is home to Meta, Microsoft, Amazon, and the University of Washington, so the author expects to meet interesting people there.

Interesting point: They wonder how building a network in Seattle will affect their future career and research.

Alternative: They should also consider networking in other cities and regions.

Critical analysis: The specific attributes of the people they want to meet in Seattle are not clear.

Question: What are the specific attributes of the people they want to meet in Seattle, and what do they hope to gain from these interactions?

Summary: The author is interested in finding interesting people in NYC and the United States. They specifically mention being interested in the alumni of the CGUI Lab and the Japanese community.

Interesting point: Meeting people from different backgrounds can bring new perspectives and ideas.

Alternative: They could also consider networking online and participating in international events.

Critical analysis: The specific attributes of the people they want to meet and what they hope to gain from these interactions are not clear.

Question: What are the specific attributes of the people they want to meet in NYC and the United States, and what do they hope to gain from these interactions?

Summary: The author is using ChatGPT to create a story set in NYC where the protagonist is being chased by the police.

Interesting point: The potential of using AI to generate stories in real-time.

Alternative: They could use other AI technologies and tools to create stories with different settings.

Critical analysis: The story’s setting and progression are one-sided, and user participation and interaction are limited.

Question: How can they increase user participation and interaction in this story creation using ChatGPT?

Summary: In the summer of 2024, the author plans to conduct research in labs other than Columbia and submit a paper to CHI.

Interesting point: They are curious about how the experience in a different research environment will impact their own research and perspectives.

Alternative: They could also consider internships at other universities or research institutions, or starting their own projects.

Critical analysis: The specific research theme and goals are not yet clear.

Question: What are the specific research themes and goals they want to pursue in the summer of 2024?