• Frequently Seen
  • If I were to declare what I am currently aiming for in a clear and understandable way, it would be something like “Eliminate the Constraints of Physical Time!” However, I don’t really want to make such a statement at this point.
  • Benefits:
    • It makes the conversation easier to understand, so it attracts attention more easily.
    • Also, if I believe in that declaration, I don’t have to worry about the direction of my actions.
  • Drawbacks:
    • The things I aim for ultimately only represent a temporary intersection between “what is enjoyable for me” and “the current world”.
      • It doesn’t seem good to be unnecessarily bound by such temporary things.
    • No Need to Rush
    • I don’t really like being labeled as someone who declares their external goals and acts towards them.
  • That’s why I don’t write anything in my Twitter profile beyond my current interests.
    • I think that’s fine.
  • In the end, it feels like the same discussion as I have resistance to confidently speaking out loud.