• After finishing the exams, I can’t seem to get back into the mode of making progress.

  • I can’t articulate it well, but there’s a constant pressure of anxiety that makes it difficult for me to focus and calm down.

    • Specifically, I have anxiety about University Admission Results.
      • Well, that’s unavoidable.
    • I feel the pressure to do something meaningful.
      • I feel pressured to use gapterm meaningfully (kaya).
        • I understand (blu3mo).
      • No, it’s a bit different. I feel the pressure to produce output.
    • Also, I have anxiety about working on things that don’t seem clearly meaningful.
      • Specifically, I’m interested in Haskell, but I’m not planning to use it at the moment, so I’m unsure if it’s worth spending time on it.
      • I don’t know why I’m starting to feel this anxiety now.
        • I think it’s because I’m unsure if I’ll have a Moratorium for the next four years.
    • I also have a problem where I have too many things I want to do and can do, so I can’t concentrate.
  • In other words, I think the fundamental cause is the emotional instability of not knowing if I’ll get into university.

    • For now, I just want it to be February 15th as soon as possible (blu3mo)(blu3mo).
  • Solutions

    • Forget about the exams?
      • I don’t think that’s possible as long as I’m at home.
      • Maybe distract myself with an Unplanned Trip?
    • Instead of thinking about complicated things, I feel like I can trick myself and start working on something to get the engine running.