Reflections on Life 20220401

  • Reflecting on the following, in three lines:
    • I felt a bit resistant to returning to the daily routine of university after the freedom of spring break.
    • But maybe it was just a case of the grass looking greener on the other side.
    • That being said, it is important to periodically reflect on life in a macro sense like this.

  • Thoughts I have

    • Currently, I am living a life where I am busy with university assignments and using my free time to pursue experiences and projects that I want.
    • However, recently I have been feeling uncertain and questioning whether this is the right way to live.
  • Why did I start feeling this way?

    • It’s not that I’m not enjoying myself.
      • The classes are generally interesting, and I have been able to do various things in my free time.
    • However, I do face difficulties and stress, and I feel like I see hope for resolving them in “alternative life paths.”
      • This might just be a case of the grass looking greener on the other side and conveniently supplementing invisible parts.
    • Has my previous satisfaction with my way of life been crumbling due to external factors?
      • Until now, I have to some extent built up my own satisfaction with choosing my current life over “alternative life paths.”
      • However, while observing GPT-4 and similar things, the underlying assumptions of that satisfaction are starting to break.
    • It seems that other ways of living have become more visible in concrete terms as well.
    • Is my dissatisfaction with the limited free time at university a factor?
      • This might be the case.
      • I will discuss this further below.
  • What should I consider?

    • What am I currently struggling with in my current way of life?
    • Other ways of living
  • Current way of life

    • It is quite questionable whether traditional university education is the optimal use of time in life.
      • Of course, there are various secondary benefits such as meeting people, living in NY, and being able to conduct research.
      • Computer Science itself feels very meaningful and enjoyable, but I start to wonder why I am taking SWE Prep-like classes.
        • Assuming that SWE might not exist or will change significantly in 10 years.
    • The problem of finding interesting people is difficult here.
      • Well, I feel like this is a matter of me needing to work harder even at Columbia/NYC.
        • Since I live in a world with the Internet, I can easily get to know people from Japan without any problems.
          • The distance between Gunma-Tokyo and NYC-Tokyo is probably not that different.
          • I should be more proactive about this as well.
    • Simply put, I miss Japan.
      • Well, that’s inevitable.
    • Is this the first time I have had such a consistently limited amount of free time in my life?
      • That’s not true.
      • In high school, I basically had school from 8am to 6pm.
  • Other ways of living

    • Taking a leave of absence theory
      • /villagepump/2023/03/20#64178d1d79e11300005eaba7
        • It is quite questionable whether devoting time to traditional university education is the optimal use of time at this stage.

        • In that case, it might be better to take a leave of absence during 2023-24 and have the freedom to swing in any direction in life.

      • I feel like the restriction of a maximum of one year is strict.
    • Company?
    • Job?
      • Hmm,
    • Research?