• I watched it because it was recommended in the 2 Report FB.

  • It was interesting.

  • #time

  • I thought that it was something that could only be expressed in live-action movies, not in novels, anime, or manga.

  • If I, who is moving forward, have my stack of building blocks knocked down by a reverse traveler, how would it look to me?

    • If the reverse traveler knocks it down, does that mean I didn’t stack the building blocks in the first place?
      • It’s difficult to express the cause and effect of the world of TENET in conventional Language, haha.
    • Is it not about cause and effect, but about logic (formal)?
  • My current thoughts:

    • There are no parallel worlds, only one timeline.
      • = It is impossible to kill one’s grandfather.
      • Why?
        • There is no decisive evidence.
        • However, if there are parallel worlds, anything is possible, and the speculation becomes uninteresting.
    • Those who pass through the rotating door become inverted matter (so-called antimatter?)
      • The cause and effect of what passes through is reversed.
      • Consciousness can also be seen as a collection of cause and effect.
        • When an inverted consciousness sees inverted matter, it appears as a natural movement.
  • Problems:

    • When were the things destroyed by the reverse traveler created? (paradox)
      • For example, if the reverse traveler destroyed the building blocks, when were they made?
      • This also applies to Stalsk-12’s building.
    • What happens to the cars that are inverted in the car chase?
      • Hypothesis 1: The cars themselves are forward matter.
        • In this case, did the reverse traveler operate in reverse to drive the car?
        • However, the car was moving at a speed that cannot be achieved in reverse.
      • Hypothesis 2: The cars themselves are inverted matter.
        • The problem with this is that they wouldn’t be able to pass through the rotating door, right?
    • The problem of not being able to see light.
      • I guess this is something we can ignore.
    • What happens with the interaction between inverted matter and forward matter?
      • There is a problem of which cause and effect to follow.
      • Example: When you put your hand in front of a bullet and it sticks to your hand.
        • In this case, the inverted cause and effect of the bullet side worked.
        • If it were not a human and a bullet, but a human and another human, the absurdity would be more apparent.
      • The behavior of forward and inverted matter is not symmetrical.
  • Did you see the first rotating door? If you saw it, you could go, something like that.

  • When many things are inverted, the timelines become complex, and the one with more becomes dominant.

  • The relationship between consciousness and multiple realities cannot be known.

    • The hypothesis that the same consciousness is always in the same timeline seems strong.
    • Neil and others ultimately fit all the pieces together.
    • The term “protagonist,” is that what it means?
      • That is ultimately the protagonist’s timeline.
  • Ice makes sense because it is frozen.

  • The last scene:

    • The bomb did not explode.
    • The real dangerous bomb was nearby, something like that, said by the protagonist.
      • At the same time as this line, his son was shown.
      • The camera work clearly focused on the son, although Kat was also shown.
  • AREPO:

    • The protagonist theory:
      • Honestly, there isn’t much evidence, but
        • However, it’s unlikely that he would appear in that square as a supporting character.
      • Oh, but does Kat know AREPO?
    • Inferred from being a forger:
      • Fiction creator = director?
        • That also seems different. I think the word “forger” is different from “fiction.”
  • Who is the son?

    • Sweater: “The greatest sin in life is giving birth to a son.”
      • He was talking about God or something.
  • Neil: “If we lose WW3, all living beings will disappear.”

    • This was quite strange.
      • Not all matter, but why living beings? That was the question.
    • If we understand it as all consciousness with awareness disappearing, it makes sense.
      • Various timelines (arrows of time) of consciousness are intricately intertwined.
      • If it paradoxes, the timeline that loses in the dynamics of the arrow of time will disappear, something like that.- If not, why not let future people use algorithms if there is a timeline for each consciousness?
  • Alternative answer to “Why not let future people use algorithms?“:

    • The timeline of consciousness is such that when one person dies, another person is born to continue it. Not a very beautiful concept.
    • Also, what exactly do algorithms do? They definitely have an impact on multiple timelines.
  • Aunt: “If you take actions that are different from what is already known, we won’t be there.”

    • This contradicts the theory of consciousness-based multiple realities.
    • Or it could be a misleading statement, suggesting that if a paradox occurs, it might lead to disappearance.
    • However, considering the number of small paradoxes that seem to occur, the idea that paradoxes mean the end might be different.
    • Should we consider it statistically?#unclear
  • “You are ‘a’ protagonist.”

    • This can be interpreted as implying consciousness-based worldlines.
  • Other notable statements:

    • “What happened happened.”
    • “We live in a Twilight world, and there are no friends at dusk.”
    • Neil: Reality.
    • These statements seem to connect to the concept of multiple realities rather than multiple universes.
  • Buriya: To get close to Sator, a protagonist is needed.

  • The 5x5 thing:

    • AREPO is the subject, emphasizing its importance.
    • One axis represents time, and the other represents worldlines.
    • However, the concept of a center seems unnatural.
    • Is the protagonist’s timeline the center, or is it something above the timeline?
    • If we view it from a meta perspective, is it about how the movie captures the world?
    • The term “protagonist” also suggests that.
    • Meta-wise, the answer to the question “What is TENET?” becomes the name of the movie.
  • SATOR and AREPO can be seen as entities that transcend timelines.

  • How do worldlines interact with each other?

    • If we consider it similar to time, there must be some kind of order.
    • How much are they related to each other?
    • Algorithms can be said to have an impact on many timelines (or maybe all of them).
    • SATOR and AREPO can be seen as entities that transcend timelines.
    • There is no evidence, but Aunt also gives off that vibe.
    • Could “we live in a twilight world” be related to this theory?
    • Ultimately, only the opera guy and Sator mentioned it.
    • Is the opera guy AREPO?
    • Oh, he’s the protagonist.
  • What is the understanding of Neil, Aunt, and the future people?