• Virtual: Essence, not virtual
  • from Axes for immersion
  • Virtual Time・Virtual Space
    • (Including real space and Chronos time)
    • Multiple time axes like Hierarchical Games and Time Axis
      • (The above assumes similar time axes with only different speeds, but more diverse axes are possible)
    • Being able to use the space called school is what makes life meaningful
  • What’s interesting?
    • The “reality” of Chronos Time/Kairos Time/real space and the “fantasy” of Virtual Time, Virtual Space, etc.
    • By treating these two as the same thing, the boundary between reality and fantasy can be blurred.
      • (A vague idea)
      • Breaking the fourth wall by reversing the “time” of “Line Count Time” and “In-World Time” is one example of this.
    • Also, I’m thinking about whether it’s possible to blur the difference between time and space.
      • I haven’t come up with a concrete example that would make you go “oh!” yet.
      • Street View is close?
        • But I’m not particularly impressed by the fact that time and space are synchronized in Street View, so I’m thinking there might be more interesting examples (hypothesis).
  • Useful things
    • Virtual spaces can be created with VR.
      • In this sense, can we say that maps are also creating virtual spaces?
      • Paper maps have low immersion, but with Google Maps, for example, there is a slightly higher sense of immersion because you exist in it.
    • Virtual time in various media (text, images, videos, SNS, VR, etc.)
  • What will actually be created (the one on /collab)?
    • Focusing on the “time” and “now” of school
      • Class schedule?
      • Annual schedule
    • The purpose is to “preserve the archive of the present.”
      • It might feel a bit cliché.
    • Initial idea for the actual product
      • Interactive exhibition
        • (I’m not particularly attached to this)
      • Through the experience, I want people to feel the blurring of the boundaries between time and space axes.
        • (I still don’t have a clear image myself, just a hypothesis)
    • Miscellaneous notes on possible experiences
      • Walking down a hallway with a transparent-like VR headset
        • The spatial and temporal axes of the hallway are synchronized, and the temporal axis moves on a yearly basis.
        • Creating a 360-degree video that allows you to feel time
  • What I want to do
    • I want to create various challenging experiences and deepen my thoughts on the philosophical aspects of time and space axes.
      • @drinami from Exploration of Virtual Time
    • Personally, I didn’t intend to pursue practicality.
  • #might implement