from Common Test Common Test Physics

  • Things to note

    • Be careful of confusing m/km system, it comes with a similar feeling as IB Physics
  • What is missing in the Common Test Physics that is in IB Physics

  • Sundai Common Test Mock Exam

    • 58/100
    • Had a bit of extra time (probably because skipped some questions without knowing anything)
    • Impressions
      • Feels the same as last time
      • In terms of correctness, the kanji that couldn’t be solved as expected
      • The cause is not knowing the formula or topics that have never been solved before
      • Future plans
        • Buy a problem set and solve all the questions that feel difficult to improve scores
          • At the very least, confirmed that my current “weakness” matches the actual situation
        • Memorize formulas
  • Tried solving past exams from 2021

    • Had 8 minutes left
      • Didn’t bother reviewing, stopped with the remaining 8 minutes
    • Results
      • 57/100
      • Well, it’s about that level
      • However, simply felt a lack of understanding in physics
        • Didn’t feel much difference from IB or language issues
        • There seems to be hope
    • Reasons (for the lost points)
      • Differences from IB (10)
        • Pulley (5)
        • Beats (5)
        • Adiabatic/Isothermal expansion (0)
          • It’s amazing that I was able to guess this on the spot
        • Electromagnetic Induction formula (0)
      • Simply didn’t understand (15)
        • Behavior of capacitor at 0V (4)
        • Lack of understanding in Capacitor and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (6)
        • Energy conservation during inelastic collisions (5)
      • Lack of attention or confusion (13)
  • Past exams from 2020

    • 65/100
    • 20 points were due to not knowing the syllabus, 15 points were just regular mistakes
    • Impressions
      • Was quite anxious while solving, but surprisingly managed to solve them
      • During the correct answers to these anxious problems, the sense I developed over the past two years was quite helpful
        • Like, this seems right because energy should be conserved
  • Haven’t looked at Japanese reference books, so it’s an unknown, needs investigation

  • According to the teacher, “IB Physics focuses more on understanding rather than complicated calculations”

    • If the Common Test is not like that, it might be a problem
  • Or rather, if you get used to the lukewarm water of GDC