• The time until enrollment is about six months.

    • If you’re going to a domestic university, the time will be shorter.
    • If you take a gap year with defer enrollment, it will be about a year and a half.
  • Possible things to do:

    • Part-time job in Spring 2022
    • Internship
      • Engineering work?
        • If you search hard, you might find something.
      • Maybe in a research lab?
      • Unknown fields
        • It’s impossible without knowing what benefits you can bring to the table (obviously).
        • If there’s a place like CHOCOLATE that I can get into and really enjoy, I would love to try it.
      • I’m interested in the internship at CodeForJapan.
    • Various things I want to do are written in the Second domain list.
    • I want to organize the information I’ve gathered about studying abroad in the US on /blu3mo so that others can refer to it.
    • Things that can only be done in Japan
  • I find the way (antech33) spends their time to be helpful.

    • It seems like they meet a lot of different people.
    • Oh, so they have free time even on weekdays?
      • I’ve never had a period of more than a month completely free in my life, so it’s hard to imagine.