• Write Essay Unprecedented Case

  • Take over GKADC

  • Write recommendation letter for the University of Tokyo

  • Fill out CAS

  • Study for Common Test

  • Read MIT Admissions

  • Check for mistakes in Chem mock exams and past papers

  • Shift Generator

  • Read about the brain and time

  • Take a walk

  • Watch a movie

  • Twitter

  • Sleep

  • Youtube

  • Things I’m waiting for

    • SAT 15✅
    • Newton Dance 16✅
    • MBP announcement 19
    • Pixel6 20
  • Saturday

    • Analysis of existing essays
    • Chem
      • Create anki cards✅
      • Review all topics
    • Hist
      • P2
        • Fill in all the gaps
        • Memorize (Can I use Anki?)
        • Write it once
      • P1
        • Solve past papers
        • Realized I haven’t done it even once
    • Math
      • Grade M21tz1✅