Previous: Columbia Course Registration 2022 Spring Difficult Math Courses:

  • Modern Algebra

  • Modern Analysis

  • I have to start thinking about them, it’s already early.

  • Courses I’m taking for sure:

    • CS Lab 3
    • Discrete 4
    • Linear Algebra & Probability 3
      • The professor has a good reputation.
    • VR with Feiner
      • It’s great that I can meet motivated VR enthusiasts.
  • Potential courses:

    • Metaphysics
    • PHILUN3601 Metaphysics
    • Contemporary Civilizations
      • Aileen Forbes seems okay, but I’m worried about the grades.
    • Distributed Systems Fundamentals
    • CS Theory
      • A safe choice, I’ll eventually need to take it and it seems interesting.
    • Considering:
      • Comp Graphics
      • Introduction to Cognitive Science
        • Both the professor and the content seem good.
      • Modern Algebra
        • I don’t have to take it if it’s too difficult.
      • Required courses:
        • Econ 4
        • Physics Lab 4.5
      • CS courses:
        • Fundies
          • Honestly, not very interested.
      • Other:
        • Intro Psych
    • Courses I can’t take.
  • What should I do~

    • Things I probably have to do:
      • Physics Lab
      • One of the core requirements
        • CC
        • Global Core
          • Can I just choose the professor for this one?
          • I’m really curious about PHIL UN3000 BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
        • Register for both CC and GC, and if CC is not good, switch to GC?
    • Things I have to do eventually:
      • Econ
        • It’s annoying to keep it for later, should I just take it?
      • Arthum/Musichum
    • CS Major
      • CLA
      • Discrete
      • CS Theory
    • Modern Analysis
      • Seems really interesting.
      • Oh, the prerequisite is linear algebra.