• Browse through the list of papers to find interesting ones.
  • Rather than reading randomly, I’m cherry-picking, but oh well.

2023 https://programs.sigchi.org/chi/2023/program/all

  • Groupnamics: Designing an Interface for Overviewing and Managing Parallel Group Discussions in an Online Classroom
  • Kaleidoscope: A Reflective Documentation Tool for a User Interface Design Course
  • Enough With “Human-AI Collaboration”
  • It is Okay to be Distracted: How Real-time Transcriptions Facilitate Online Meetings with Distractions
  • Morphing Identity: Exploring Self-Other Identity Continuum through Interpersonal Facial Morphing Experience
    • shn_kasa
  • Social Digital Cyborgs: The Collaborative Design Process of the JIZAI ARMS
    • drinami
  • “I normally wouldn’t talk with strangers”: Introducing a Socio-Spatial Interface for Fostering Togetherness Between Strangers
  • Memory Manipulations in Extended Reality
  • Teachable Reality: Prototyping Tangible Augmented Reality with Everyday Objects by Leveraging Interactive Machine Teaching
    • ryosuzk
  • Tesseract: Querying Spatial Design Recordings by Manipulating Worlds in Miniature
  • When XR and AI Meet - A Scoping Review on Extended Reality and Artificial Intelligence
  • Collaborating Across Realities: Analytical Lenses for Understanding Dyadic Collaboration in Transitional Interfaces
  • VRGit: A Version Control System for Collaborative Content Creation in Virtual Reality
  • Challenging but Connective: Large-Scale Characteristics of Synchronous Collaboration Across Time Zones

2022 https://programs.sigchi.org/chi/2022/program/all

  • Zoom Obscura: Counterfunctional Design for Video-Conferencing
  • Causality-preserving Asynchronous Reality
  • FluidMeet: Enabling Frictionless Transitions Between In-Group, Between-Group, and Private Conversations During Virtual Breakout Meetings
  • EmoBalloon - Conveying Emotional Arousal in Text Chats with Speech Balloons
    • Middle-aged man
  • SABLIER: a Tangible Interactor to Navigate through Space and Time
  • VRception: Rapid Prototyping of Cross-Reality Systems in Virtual Reality
    • Cross-Reality, a good expression
  • There Is No First- or Third-Person View in Virtual Reality: Understanding the Perspective Continuum

2021 https://programs.sigchi.org/chi/2021/program/all

  • Perfectly Imperfect: A Speculation about Wabi-Sabi Inspired User Experience Design
  • The Philosophical and Technical Legacy of Bernard Stiegler
  • Countdown Timer Speed: A Trade-off between Delay Duration Perception and Recall
  • Calling for a Plurality of Perspectives on Design Futuring: An Un-Manifesto
  • Winder: Linking Speech and Visual Objects to Support Communication in Asynchronous Collaboration

2020 https://programs.sigchi.org/chi/2020/program/all