• Firebase

  • Google Cloud Platform

  • https://qiita.com/1amageek/items/b350ee5ef0c9b2406583

    • Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud system that excels in availability and partition tolerance by sacrificing consistency.
    • Even though it sacrifices consistency, it still provides transactional functionality.
    • Firebase is built on top of eventual consistency.
  • https://qiita.com/1amageek/items/64bf85ec2cf1613cf507

    • Accepting redundancy is necessary.
      • Structure of cross-references.
    • Differences between web and mobile nature. firebase | Mobile nature | Solution | | — | — | | Unreliable network | Realtime, AutoSync, Offline | | Limited resources | Realtime, AutoSync | | Limited display area | Realtime, AutoSync | | Fast development speed | Realtime, AutoSync, Schemaless |
    • Tips for design
      • Design models in parallel.
      • Use singular nouns for model names.
      • Set a sort-able key for models.
      • Models should have _updatedAt and _createdAt (useful for bug solving).
      • Avoid storing arrays within models.
      • Include an AccessKey in the properties of models.
  • https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/ios/structure-data?authuser=0