from University of Tokyo 1S1 Mathematical Science Foundation: Differential and Integral Calculus

Differential Equations

  • Equations in high school: Algebraic equations
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  • Differential equations
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    • “Equations of motion” are also differential equations
      • They are also discussed in mechanics (blu3mo)
    • Unlike algebraic equations, the solutions to differential equations are functions
      • If we can define the algebra of functions, we can define something like algebraic equations of functions (blu3mo)
        • If we consider function composition as multiplication, it would be like $f(f(x))+f(x)+1=0”
  • Terminology is self-study (blu3mo)
  • Separable type
    • First-order ordinary differential equations
      • What is ordinary differential calculus?
        • Is it the differentiation with one variable up to high school?
    • is called separable type
      • We learned this in high school (blu3mo)
        • Is it the one with easy differentiation calculations? (blu3mo)
        • Just move y to the left side and x to the right side, then integrate
        • Note: When 1/y appears, we need to consider the case of y=0 as well
      • If it’s not separable type, we use the Integrating Factor Method
        • I don’t know this term (takker)
  • First-order homogeneous linear differential equations
    • What is an nth-order linear differential equation?
      • An equation where only y, its nth derivative, and constants appear?
      • I don’t quite understand why it is called linear (blu3mo)
        • TODO: What has linearity?
    • What is a homogeneous linear differential equation?
      • A linear differential equation in which all terms contain the unknown function or are equal to 0

      • Is it called a homogeneous differential equation when there are no terms with x alone?
    • 3.2 Solution methods for first-order homogeneous equations
      • Self-study (blu3mo)