Below are notes from my first TOEFL exam:

  • Don’t try to talk about difficult topics, and don’t get influenced by the atmosphere of other sections of the TOEFL.

    • Speaking ability is more important than knowledge.
  • Approach it as if you were having a casual conversation with a neighbor in an elevator.

  • It’s important to get a sense of how much you can say in 60 seconds. Practice is key for this.

  • “Include details and examples”: You need to provide specific examples.

  • Using only “Firstly” and “Secondly” is not enough. Use phrases like “To begin with” and “In addition.”

  • When asked to repeat the given information, paraphrasing can show your vocabulary skills.

  • When asked to compare, it’s necessary to mention both the differences and similarities.

  • I should come up with a better note-taking strategy.

    • When I notice a contrasting structure, I should organize it in a clear structure.
      • How quickly I can notice this might be important.
      • If two options are presented, it’s likely a contrast.
    • Also, it’s important to write in legible handwriting.
      • If my notes are well-organized, I believe I can speak based on them.
  • The men/women’s opinion is that ~~, and it is supported by mainly 2 reasons.

  • The first / second reason is that ~~®%20Speaking,English%20effectively%20in%20academic%20settings.&text=Question%201%20is%20called%20an,and%20experiences%20when%20you%20respond.

  • Discussing the need for templates in the speaking section.