Compilation of stories that could be helpful for Tech Camp:

  1. People who can create are typically always busy creating, while those who cannot create tend to delegate the task to others. However, in reality, there is no distinction between those who can create and those who cannot. It simply comes down to whether one chooses to create or not. The act of creating is what defines one’s ability to create. Therefore, those who can create are simply individuals who believe in their ability to do so.

  2. When creating, everyone faces challenges where things may not go smoothly. The key is whether one gives up at that point or perseveres. Only those who believe in their ability to create forge ahead through difficulties and eventually bring their ideas to life. This cycle of experience is what shapes creators.

Kayac’s Vision:

  • Kayac’s mission is to “increase the number of creators.”
    • Becoming a creator is about taking initiative.
    • Creating involves self-reflection.
    • Creating is about giving to others.

Thoughts after DojoCon:

  • Impressed by the concept of Dojo.
  • Feeling motivated to start a Dojo.
    • Rather than just teaching, the desire is to create a community.
  • If Tech Camp’s goal is to “increase the number of creators,” then while teaching is important, creating a community of creators within GKA is crucial.
    • Making “creators” the majority within GKA.
  • While Dojo is a community of children programming, it would be ideal to create a diverse community within GKA, including graphic design and other areas, leading to something unique.
    • Emphasis on novelty.
  • However, the practicality of starting a community considering being in Ota for only about a year is a concern.

Past logs:

  • The vibe of sechack seems similar to what I imagine.

    • Like a mix of Life is Tech and SecHack365?
    • Haven’t attended either though.
  • Personally, what do I want to achieve?

    • I want to increase the number of “creators.”
      • If participants can do what they want, it should have a positive impact on their way of life.
      • I want to provide an experience where participants not only plan but also physically realize their ideas.
        • Not like Career Koshien.
    • I want to try unconventional teaching methods different from existing examples.
      • But need to avoid being too eccentric.
    • I want to influence a large number of people.
  • Challenges and anticipated difficulties:

    • Teaching programming is tough.
      • CoderDojo and others initially face challenges, takes time.
      • Sustaining motivation to create something seems daunting.
      • Similar challenges in other fields.
      • Since the main aim is not to acquire “programming thinking,” considering how to go about it.
        • Experience of creating something with technology, maybe using Zapier? (though it may be limited)
      • GKA students might pick up quicker due to English proficiency, possibly faster than general CoderDojo students.
    • Gathering people.
      • Parents who want to teach programming (while their kids lack motivation) might show up.
        • Particularly common with GKA, given that they are enrolled there.
  • Regarding computer resources, using school resources (and committee computers) seems feasible.