IB Chemistry

  • Measuring the Reaction Rate of Sucrose Inversion Using a Polarimeter

  • Maximum 12 pages including references.

    • I don’t want to waste space.
    • So, it’s better not to include a title page or table of contents.
  • Also, don’t include your name.

    • Don’t mention the name of your school either.
  • Make sure to provide justification.

    • For example, if you use a t-test, explain why you chose that method.
  • You mentioned being able to write about creating a mathematical model for your IA.

  • When reading existing IAs, try to take the best representation methods from each.

    • For example, use this format for tables.
  • Focus mainly on the Introduction, Reference, and Conclusion.

    • You might also need to do a risk assessment.
    • If you use a similar method but with some changes, make sure to reference it.
  • The Conclusion is important for recording both existing and obtained data.

  • Downie strongly recommends submitting the draft before the deadline.

Here are some notes from brainstorming:

  • Topics I find interesting:

    • Lights
      • Polarization
        • Sugar solution concentration
        • Compare enantiomers with different structures and observe how rotation changes.
        • What variable should be used?
      • Refraction
        • Refractive index and molecular structure
    • Allotropes
      • Interested in how properties change significantly just by changing geometry.
      • IA:
        • Graphite
        • Not diamond
    • Geometry of molecules
      • Seems mathematical and interesting.
      • Macro or micro level?
      • IA: Predicting geometry based on volume/mole.
      • IA: Compare something (e.g., reaction speed) of different allotropes and explain how geometry affects it.
      • IB Course: Option A - Material Chemistry
      • Investigate:
        • Metal charges
        • Properties
        • Relationship between unit cells and properties
        • Database IA
          • Connect physical properties with chemical properties (electron configuration)
        • Two extremes (tungsten and mercury) with extreme melting points
          • How conductivity changes
        • Find data for the same temperature or state
      • Mathematical model of resistance and metal
    • Radiocarbon dating
      • Is mass spectrometry possible?
        • No, isotopes in chemistry are identical.
      • Or try using another method? (Kinetic Isotope Effect?)
        • IA: Calculate the isotope ratio using the change in XX (reaction speed)?
          • Unrealistic?
  • What I can do:

    • Write code?
      • Use Graph Theory (Computer Science)?
  • What I cannot do:

    • Topics related to biology
      • Biochemistry