
  • Reflection
    • Lack of overwhelming concentration during the mock exams
      • I hope to solve this by practicing what I wrote in Task management by writing down tasks and gradually climbing up
      • Hist only made it halfway through Phase 2 the day before, and Chem hadn’t touched Redox and Organic Chemistry in months until the morning of the exam
      • The reason for all of this is that I ended up procrastinating by avoiding the difficult tasks
        • Both Hist Phase 2 and Redox/Organic Chem were high hurdles for me
        • I should have been aware of that and made efforts to lower the hurdles

  • Plan to work hard during summer vacation

Study schedule for the last 5 days

  • Wed

    • Finish a few Hist questions and write one
    • Finish Chem questions with a lot of people
    • Solve Math P3
  • Thurs

  • Fri

  • Sat

    • Write Japanese
    • Chem
  • Sun-15:00

    • Hist
  • Sun15:00-

    • Physics
      • Take notes
      • Complete Kognity 11/12
      • Solve as many past exam questions as possible
  • Exam

  • Mon: Physics

  • Tues: Math P1/2

  • Wed: Hist

  • Thurs: Eng / Jap

  • Fri: Chem / Math P3

  • To-do list

    • History
      • Finish notes
      • Write Hist P2
      • Read Kognity P1
      • Practice P1
    • Japanese
      • Write P1
    • English
      • Prepare for P1
      • Prepare for P2
    • Chem
      • Finish
      • Solve mock exam
    • Math
      • Solve mock exam
    • Physics
      • Solve mock exam