• Nota Internship Spring 2022

  • Internship 2022

  • March 8th to March 31st

    • Can only work for 13 days?
    • It’s quite short, but I want to make the most out of it.
  • Preparations

  • Things I want to gain

    • It’s important to think about this beforehand
      • Of course, there will be many unexpected things, but having a clear sense of purpose is important
    • There are many points mentioned in Do I Want to Develop Products?
      • I also wanted to learn about those points at Edmodo, but I wasn’t able to work on the actual product
      • The experience of thinking about features, implementing them, and merging pull requests (or not) repeatedly, and the know-how related to that (?)
    • It would be great if I could gain something more than just an improvement in technical skills by the end of the internship, although I’m not sure what that would be
    • It seems important to have questions and look them up in past records
  • I wonder what (takker) will do

  • Thoughts

    • I feel like I should write this on /nota, but for now, I’ll write it here casually and organize it later when writing an article
    • /nota
      • When I need information, I usually find it by searching on /nota
        • The power of 30,000 pages
        • If you’re looking for something in the technical field, it’s usually there
          • If it’s not there, I add it (blu3mo)
      • It was more like “Oh, this is how it is” rather than being surprised when I joined
      • It’s interesting that you can see all past discussions
        • Like the moment Scrapbox was named Scrapbox, or the process of Helpfeel becoming a business
    • It’s a bit difficult to have separate Scrapbox accounts for /nota, local, and personal accounts, and it can be confusing
    • When I listen to conversations or read /nota, I become curious about what will be interesting in Gyazo/Helpfeel in the future
    • It’s convenient to be able to directly read the code when I’m curious about the specifications
    • It gets me excited when Scrapbox runs locally
      • If something can’t be achieved with backend modifications and can only be done with userscripts, it gets even more exciting
    • I really like the internal communication and collaborative work system (for me)
      • It’s nice to have a constructive discussion about that system and make it better
        • It’s unique to Nota that anyone can participate in the discussion, not just the decision-makers
      • Furthermore, it’s interesting to see the flow and history of how it has been done so far by looking at /nota
        • You can quickly find out why things are the way they are
        • And Scrapbox supports that
    • Since I already have some knowledge of Scrapbox’s API and DOM structure, understanding the codebase is a bit smoother
    • It’s interesting and educational to see the overall picture of how the company operates on /nota
      • The company doesn’t just run with people writing code (of course)
      • Marketing, customer support,
      • It’s related to the previous point, but it seems that there are mechanisms in place to make those aspects transparent
        • Like all hands meetings
    • Even if I only do small bug fixes, it doesn’t seem like I’ll gain much other than technical skills, so I want to propose and discuss experimental features as well
      • Let’s see how the existing features were born on /nota
    • Simply put, I think It’s Fun to Make Things We Use Everyday- I remembered that writing code is fun, right?

Random Notes:

  • The placement of the upload button is strange.
  • Lens.
  • Feeling safe in seclusion, private transparency, transfer duplicator.
  • It’s difficult to tell who can see the links.
    • Until now, everyone could see them.
  • Example of an art museum.
    • I want to see the sentence even after it’s cut out.
  • Don’t use Scrapbox for KJ method or brainstorming.
  • Multilingual support.
  • There are two types of content embedding.
    • Like tweets, etc.
      • It’s nice that you can modify them.
    • Those that are converted as they are.
      • Images
      • YouTube
      • Files
    • Those that are converted in a modal.
      • Tweets
  • It might be worth considering a new form for date pages.
    • When you link a date, it could be compiled or something.
  • Support for nodes of thought.