Focus of the topic

  • It is important to properly explain the significance to the outcome rather than focusing on detailed otaku-like knowledge.

Background Info



  • WW1 Europe
    • Air technology developed significantly during the war.
    • The Zeppelin airship, used only by Germany, was not effective due to its large size, slow speed, and vulnerability to being shot down.
    • Aircraft were first used for reconnaissance missions and later for dogfights, but they were still in the development phase and not used effectively.
  • WW2 Pacific
    • Strategic bombing, particularly by the United States against Japan, played a significant role.
    • The Doolittle raid, which targeted Tokyo, caused extensive damage with fire bombs, burning down many buildings and resulting in numerous casualties.
    • The bombing of Japan’s mainland affected industrial production and had a major impact on the outcome of the war.
    • The use of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, developed as part of the Manhattan Project, directly led to Japan’s surrender.


  • WW1
    • The use of chemical gas, such as chlorine, was ineffective due to various factors including wind dispersal and the invention of gas masks.
    • Machine guns initially had limitations but were improved for better recoil and transportation.
    • Tanks were ineffective due to their slow speed, difficulty crossing trenches, and vulnerability to enemy attacks.
  • WW2
    • Bazookas, used by the US army, were effective against light tanks and were cheaper to produce.
    • However, land technology did not have a significant impact on the outcome of WW1, while it had some effect in WW2.


  • WW1
    • Sea technology, such as U-boats and blockades, played a crucial role for Britain and Germany.
    • U-boats were initially effective but countermeasures like depth charges and hydrophones made them less successful.
    • Dreadnoughts, although powerful, were rarely used due to their high cost.
  • WW2
    • Aircraft carriers and submarines were important naval technologies.
    • Submarines were used by both sides to attack enemy fleets and merchant ships, significantly weakening Japanese industry and economy.
    • Codebreaking technology, especially by the US, played a crucial role in the victory at the Battle of Midway.
  • However, there were other factors that affected the outcome of both wars, such as the weak allies of Germany and the blockade imposed by Britain in WW1, and the banzai charge, island hopping strategy, and the Soviet invasion of Manchuria in WW2.

Possible Essay Questions


  • Hodder book with planes on frontpage 187-202


  • WW1 should be specified as Europe and WW2 as the Pacific.
    • This might be asked as a specific region.
  • However, don’t forget!
    • If technology is considered to have had a small impact, this is even more important to mention.