Summary: This page discusses the writing logic of omoikane-blu3mo. It proposes the existence of a bot that retrieves data from people’s tweets, notes, books, etc., and generates text based on that data. An interesting point is the consideration of adding private.icon to retrieve private information, which is important for privacy protection.

Alternative: In order to improve the quality of the text generated by the bot, it is important not only to determine what information to retrieve but also how to analyze and combine it. By utilizing natural language processing techniques, it may be possible to generate more natural and useful text.

Question: What is the intended purpose of this bot? Additionally, based on that purpose, what kind of information do you think would be optimal to retrieve?

Summary: Omni is a tool that generates new pages using information from existing pages. It is particularly notable for its ability to retrieve information about books related to “current interests” and generate new pages based on that information.

Interesting point: The approach of providing information based on individual users’ interests is useful in today’s information overload society.

Alternative: In order to more accurately understand users’ interests, it may be possible to utilize their browsing history and search history.

Question: What are the criteria for evaluating the quality of the pages generated by Omni?

Summary: This page reports on the successful implementation of omoikane-embed-core and omoikane-vec-search locally. By working on specific implementations, not only theoretical knowledge but also practical knowledge can be gained.

Interesting point: By setting specific goals for using these tools, more meaningful results may be achieved.

Alternative: What do you want to achieve using these tools? Additionally, what steps do you think are necessary to achieve that?

Question: What do you want to achieve using these tools? Additionally, what steps do you think are necessary to achieve that?

Summary: This page introduces the short film “Liquid City”.

Interesting point: Visual works allow for intuitive understanding through visual information.

Alternative: When analyzing visual works, considering not only the visuals but also audio and subtitles may lead to a deeper understanding.

Question: What did you learn from this film? How do you think it will be useful for your research or projects?

Summary: This page lists the research laboratories and faculty members that are particularly noteworthy. This makes it easier to track research and contact them.

Interesting point: By tracking research in other laboratories and faculty members, you can broaden your research perspective.

Alternative: Instead of just listing them, providing detailed descriptions of the research each laboratory and faculty member is conducting and how it relates to your own research could make the list even more valuable.

Question: What do you want to learn from these research laboratories and faculty members? How do you think it will be useful for your research?

extra info

date: 2023-10-12 21:50:29 json size: 8451688 pickle size: 144083395 titles: omoikane-blu3moの書き込みロジック, omni, omoikaneを試す, Agents - Liquid City, Group Navigation for Guided Tours in Distributed Virtual Environments, AR-based spatiotemporal interface and visualization for the physical task, 気になるラボリスト, 二次元の時間の環境, PHILUN3601 Metaphysics, ジェンドリン哲学入門, Blending LLMs, HCI/VR系学会締切リスト, CGUI Lab Research 202310~, IEEE VR 2023 Submission 振り返り num_updated_pages: 14