• Let’s start by solving it for now.

  • 2 hours

    • Started at 2000.
  • Problem 2

    • 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 3
  • Problem 3

    • 1720-1828
      • Couldn’t concentrate and ended up doing something else in the middle.
      • Probably should take a break for about 20-30 minutes.
    • Made 3 vocabulary mistakes
      • Lack of knowledge about the idiom “put it to use”
      • Lack of knowledge about the idiom “fare well”
      • Lack of understanding of the grammar of ”~ which”
        • Felt this a few times.
      • Basically, the lack of idioms is affecting me.
        • I should reinforce my understanding of them.
    • Made 1 reading comprehension mistake.
    • Didn’t have enough vocabulary, but managed to guess correctly in quite a few cases.
      • Like the meaning of “gratification” and the fitting of “amid”.
      • If this can be replicated, it should be okay.
      • However, whether that is possible is the question.
        • I should probably solve one more past question.

  • I was thinking of starting at 1:40, but now is not the time to be doing this, so I’ll take the common test (blu3mo).