• People who have the concept of 末法思想 as a premise:

    • 浄土宗 / 法然
    • 浄土真宗 / 親鸞
      • Emphasize even more on other-power
      • Believe that salvation is already determined, so they express gratitude by reciting the nembutsu
      • 悪人正機説
        • “Evil people” are not actually bad people, but rather those who rely on other-power
        • Since it is absolute reliance on other-power, it is considered acceptable
    • 時宗 / 一遍
      • Spread the practice of dancing while reciting the nembutsu (although he didn’t start it)
  • People who reject the concept of 末法思想 and strive in a different way:

    • Devote themselves to 座禅
    • Dogen / Soto Zen
      • By solely practicing zazen, one can be liberated from all attachments (the ultimate goal of Buddhism)
    • Eisai / Rinzai Zen
      • Engage in zazen while contemplating absurd riddles
      • People like 一休 also belong to this category
  • Chanting:

    • 日蓮宗 / Nichiren
    • Chant 法華経 (one of the interpretations of Buddha’s teachings)
    • Criticize and refute other sects