
  • The definition of ”没入” is based on the Discussion on Immersive Virtual Spacetime Axis.

  • I thought it would be valuable to have an experience that deliberately does not place ”Self” anywhere on the axis.

    • For example, on the spatial axis, temporal axis, etc.
  • In pKineto, I want to do this as a teacher’s experience.

    • I want to be in the perspective of a god, not in a specific point on the temporal axis.
  • I also think HalfDive has unexpected value in this direction.

    • It doesn’t cause motion sickness.
    • (Just a rough thought.)
  • I feel like ”視線移動による没入軸の移動” could be one way to achieve this.

    • Eye movement is not normally used for axis movement (it is an unconscious movement without a sense of motion).
    • So, I thought that if the temporal axis could be moved by eye movement, it might be possible to create Non-immersive VR on the temporal axis.
  • When considering this from the perspective of ”Axis of personality,” it seems that the 人類補完計画 is a VR that does not immerse.