Analysis of My Abilities 202202

  • Listing what I can do

  • Intention

    • Objectively looking at the labels attached to myself, I am definitely a “strong person” (?)
      • (In the community/world I currently belong to)
      • University, My Achievements, etc.
    • However, when asked what I am strong at, I can’t think of anything specific
      • In fact, I don’t think I have really attempted to objectively evaluate my skills
        • I did a lot of self-analysis on things like my interests and how I think about things during the US college application process, but I haven’t done much self-analysis on strengths
          • i.e. I analyzed the direction of the vector, but not the magnitude, so to speak
          • (In college essays, I just try to emphasize my strengths as much as possible without lying)
    • If I have strengths, I feel happier when I can affirm myself and say “I am strong in this”#self-esteem
      • (But I feel like it would be the end if I started affirming myself with labels)
      • (It’s a different problem from the worries of Impostor Syndrome)
    • Therefore, I want to re-evaluate my skills objectively by listing them again
    • Also, there are recent circumstances/needs
      • Internship 2022
      • It will be easier to introduce myself in new communities if I know my skills
  • How to do it

    • Is there any framework for this?
      • A “framework that covers all the “abilities” that exist in the world,” is that impossible?
    • It’s easier to write about things that are objectively evaluated (such as AtCoder rating, TOEFL)
    • How should I write about “software engineering-related” skills?
      • For now, I’ll write down what comes to mind
  • General

    • English proficiency
      • This is the most objectively evaluable
      • TOEFL score of 105 [Second attempt at TOEFL exam]
  • Software development-related

    • Implementation
      • iOS development
        • I have been doing this for quite a long time, intermittently from middle school to high school
        • I can implement [/kineto/Kineto] on my own
          • Technologies
            • Implemented natively
              • UIKit
            • Backend: mBaaS (Firebase Realtime Database)
            • Delivery system
              • Used GCP to run nginx-rtmp
              • Received video from Zoom or OBS via RTMP, and delivered it to iOS clients using HLS
      • Algorithmic skills
        • AtCoder green rank [AtCoder 緑ランク]
          • [,800,-%201199%20(緑色%2C%20AtCoderJobs](,800,-~%201199%20(緑色%2C%20AtCoderJobs)
            • In workplaces where not many algorithmic innovations are required, they have sufficient algorithm design and implementation skills.

            • They can implement programs quickly.

            • They can implement complex programs quickly and accurately.

            • They can accurately construct complex logic in their minds.

            • They can apply frequently used algorithms in competitive programming, such as search algorithms, dynamic programming, and binary search.

            • If the processing is completed in memory, they can estimate the calculation time fairly accurately even before implementation and can accurately determine the need for optimization.

            • In this rank range, the strengths vary among individuals, so it cannot be said that everyone has the above abilities, but many people do.

          • However, there are gaps in my knowledge, so I seem to have forgotten quite a bit about algorithms
            • What was DP again?
            • Well, I think I can quickly recover if I review it
      • Writable programming languages
      • Ability to write code efficiently
        • I’m not sure how to express this, but I don’t have much confidence in this aspect
        • [Want to Improve Implementation Skills]
          • Well, it might just be that the point of comparison is too strong
  • Academic-related

  • Others