• [/akitok/CSSいじり 0212](https://scrapbox.io/akitok/CSSいじり 0212) task:

    • I want to make Scrapbox my homepage for daily life.

    • I want to be able to check tasks without page transitions.

    • I want to display the date prominently.

    • I want to be able to see all the day’s schedule.

  • I wanted to try using [React] in a Scrapbox Userscript, so this is a perfect task.

    • 🙏🙏(axokxi)
      • I’ve always thought it would be more practical to use pin-diary-3 and go back to using it as a diary. But the weekly view is easier to enter tasks and if a page is added every day, it might look messy in the overview. So please forgive me for being selfish.🙏
        • Right now, I manually move today’s schedule to the top and make it visible in the list view.
  • For now, I aim to reproduce something similar to /akitok’s current setup.

  • The detection of the top page seems possible by referring to pin-diary-3.

    • It doesn’t seem possible to refer to pin-diary-4 and later because they have a different mechanism.
    • The repeated processing with a timer is probably to respond to changes in page cards.
      • It sounds difficult.
    • It seems like we don’t need to do that this time?
  • Let’s use preact.

  • Let’s start with adding simple DOM elements.

  • I think I don’t need the logic for showing and hiding based on scrapbox.layout.

    • .app .container [2] is hidden if it’s not the top page, so if we insert the elements there, it should be fine.
  • I can’t quite grasp the timing of the render.

    • I don’t understand the mechanism either.
    • I don’t understand why the original div disappears when rendering a new div.
      • It’s probably misinterpreting the differences.


.util {
	background-color: gray;
	height: 50px;
	width: 100%;
.util .sub-title {
	color: white;
  	font-size: 10px;
.util .title {
	color: white;
	font-size: 20px;

Test task source


import {html, render} from 'https://scrapbox.io/api/code/programming-notes/[email protected]%2Fpreact/script.js';
const projectName = "blu3mo"
const taskSource = "task source" // to be made into a function that returns a value dynamically
const getSentencesInPage = async (projectName, pageName) => {
	const response = await fetch(`https://scrapbox.io/api/pages/${projectName}/${pageName}/text`)
    const text = await response.text();
    return text.split("\n");
const getTasksInPage = async (projectName, pageName) => {
	const sentences = getSentencesInPage(projectName, pageName);
getTasks(projectName, taskSource)
	.then(text => {
let isListPage = true;
const Util = (props) => {
	return (html`
			<div className="util">
				<p className="sub-title">Tuesday 2022</p>
				<p className="title">Feb 26</p>
scrapbox.on('layout:changed', handleLayoutChange)
function handleLayoutChange () {
    const app = document.querySelectorAll('.app .container')[2];
	isListPage = (scrapbox.Layout === "list");
	render(html`<${Util} isListPage=${isListPage}/>`, app);
(() => {