(/blu3mo/Information Science Expert) Research Project Presentation

  • 🙋‍♂️ Shintaro Aoyama
  • 🏫 Gunma International Academy High School 11th Grade (Sophomore)


  • Continuation of development of educational software and research on pseudo-synchronous communication

  • Learned in the Information Science Expert lecture:

    • Utilization of discrete algorithms

Table of Contents

  • 🛠 About the development
  • 📊 Connection to information science research

🛠 About the development

  • Used as an iPad app for real-time classroom attendance

    • Watch the class video on the screen
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  • Concept

    • In one sentence: “Resolving the synchronicity of synchronous classes”

Synchronicity of classes

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    • “I want to hear the current topic again.”
    • “I want to see this movement in slow motion.”
    • “I want to pause for a moment to think on my own.”
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    • “I can’t ask questions to nearby people.”
    • “I can’t discuss with other students.”
    • “I can’t ask questions to the teacher/other students.”


  • Teacher ⇄ Student
  • Student ⇄ Student
  • Rethinking synchronicity
  • ➡︎ Resolving the trade-off

Teacher ⇄ Student

  • Students can perform operations such as

    • ▶️️ Play
    • ⏸ Pause
    • ⏪ Rewind 10 seconds
  • on the real-time class video

  • ➡︎ Some interactions between teachers and students are asynchronous

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    • Aligning the speed of receiving information and understanding it

Student ⇄ Student

  • No synchronicity between students
  • If there is no interaction between students, synchronous classes lose their meaning
  • ➡︎ Some interactions between students are pseudo-synchronous
    • Later students can see messages from students who are ahead of them on the timeline
    • Since they are experiencing the same video, it can be considered pseudo-synchronous
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  • Medium for interaction: Writing on the video
    • Writing is shared
    • Examples:
      • Writing alternative interpretations of the class content
      • Writing down a good memorization method that came to mind


  • Asynchronously
  • Pseudo-synchronously

📊 Connection to information science research

  • Connecting all students in a large group leads to information overload

    • Need to select which students to connect with pseudo-synchronously
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  • Understanding the pseudo-synchronous connections between students as a directed graph

    • For n students, there are patterns for each student
    • Applying the techniques introduced in the discrete algorithm course to the problem of selecting the “optimal” connections
  • What is the “optimal” connection

    • Small time difference (synchronization is possible with adjustments)
    • Information that is valuable to that student
    • Based on observations from user testing
  • Pseudo-synchronous communication

    • An environment that has constraints due to the flow of time, although not completely synchronous
      • An environment where videos, etc. are experienced asynchronously
    • However, no previous research has been found that matches people in such a dialogue environment
      • Does this point provide novelty as a research topic? #Information Science Expert