• When I think calmly, I should quit taking the entrance exam (blu3mo).

    • Unlike Yanai and the University of Tokyo recommendation, the number of spots is fixed.
    • So, if I were to pass with a higher score, it would mean that someone else would definitely be rejected.
  • I’ve decided to quit (blu3mo).

    • I’m also postponing the Waseda exam for the same reason (axokxi).
  • Subjects to take image

  • Essay + Math/Information/English/English & Math

    • I see, I don’t have to worry too much about this math since I’m preparing for the Common Test Mathematics.
  • Well, I guess English and the essay would be better.

  • My page https://www.guide.52school.com/guidance/net-keio/

  • Guidelines https://www.keio.ac.jp/ja/admissions/docs/2022_ippan_youkou.pdf

    • Environmental Information: 225 spots
      • Exam on 2/18
      • Results announced on 2/25 at 10:00
    • Content
      • English: 120 minutes
        • Preparation for Keio SFC General English
      • After a lunch break,
      • Essay: 120 minutes
        • Evaluates comprehensive abilities such as ideation, logical structure, and expression.

        • Countermeasures for Keio SFC General Essay
    • Process
      • Internet registration and payment of exam fee until 1/19
        • During the application registration, you will be asked to input how you have thought and strived for “initiative,” “diversity,” and “collaboration” in 100 to 500 characters. Please prepare for that.

        • Sounds troublesome (blu3mo)
        • 500 characters means within 250 words
        • I also need to decide on the exam format
          • I should double-check if English is really not a problem (blu3mo)
      • Submit application documents by 1/19 (postmark valid)
        • Qualification certificate for application
          • A testimonial should be fine for this (blu3mo)
          • It needs to be sealed.