• Notes on the learning process

  • .erb, .scss, .coffee, etc. are file extensions used for processing the files.

    • For example, if you have a file called hoo.html.erb.coffee, it will be processed by coffee, then by erb, and the final output will be hoo.html.
  • Controllers are in plural form (UsersController), while models are in singular form (User).

  • In Rails, REST automatically converts to corresponding actions (e.g., GET -> show).

    • If you define resources :users in routes.rb, it maps to the RESTful actions for /users.
  • Regarding the database

    • Model.update_attribute can bypass validations.
      • update_attributes cannot.
    • If the parameter is indexed, it can be searched without performing a full scan.
  • About testing

    • Use assert to check true/false.
    • Use assert_XXX format, such as assert_select or assert_response.
  • Regarding gems

    • Clearing the cache can sometimes solve issues.
    • The order in which gems are listed in the Gemfile can also affect functionality. For example, Bootstrap may not work if jQuery is not placed before it.