
  • Written by Tadao Umezao

  • I bought it because I heard it’s a famous book.

  • It may be helpful for kineto since it is related to Note and others.

  • Purpose of the book

    • Methodology for Research and Study
      • Rather than just introducing techniques, it aims to serve as a catalyst for discussion.
    • It seems that some people are unable to conduct research when they enter university because they were not taught study methodologies in school.
    • Focuses on the intellectual production of individuals.
  • The term “intellectual production” is said to be a coinage by this person.

  • Techniques for intellectual production in a time without smartphones or Google.

    • It involves some struggles that we don’t experience nowadays, but it’s interesting.
    • Although the book itself may not have this intention, it is very useful for understanding the way technology was in the Showa era (about 20 years after World War II).
      • It talks about typewriters in one chapter, organizing papers in another chapter, and letters in another chapter.
    • There are occasional comparisons with the West, so you can also learn about the differences between post-war Japan and the rest of the world.
  • There are occasional expressions that can be seen as gender discrimination, reflecting the time.

    • Of course, there is no ill intent behind them.