• If you use idiomatic language, you can aim for a top score.
  • Criteria:
    • A: Language (12)
      • Vocabulary: appropriate for the task, varied, using idiomatic language.
      • Grammar: variety of basic and complex grammar structures.
      • Accuracy.
    • B: Message (12)
      • Task fulfilled: make sure to carefully read the prompt to not miss any elements.
      • Ideas clearly presented.
      • Ideas relevant to the tasks.
      • Ideas developed, with details and examples.
      • Structure in a logical and coherent manner, supporting the delivery of the message.
    • C: Conceptual Understanding (16)
      • Text type appropriate for the context, purpose, and audience.
      • Register and tone appropriate for the context, purpose, and audience.
      • Incorporates conventions of the chosen text type.
  • It is important to explicitly highlight the criteria in order to make it clear and understandable.
    • I want to practice this.
  • Top tips for Paper 1 for IB Language B | Brighter Thinking Blog | Cambridge University Press
  • image
    • These are theoretically included.
      • However, it is natural that pamphlets and leaflets, for example, will not be included.
    • Letter
      • The introduction and ending can be unrelated topics (if informal).
      • If formal, use “regards”; if informal, use “kind regards”.
    • Blog
    • Email
    • Essay
    • Proposal
    • News report
    • Interview
    • Review
    • Speech
  • Reflection:
    • I realized that I can increase the variety of my writing style and use more difficult vocabulary if I am conscious of it.
    • Also, if I familiarize myself with idiomatic language beforehand, I can incorporate it at some point.
      • “In a nutshell” is definitely a useful phrase.