Tunnels - WikiCU, the Columbia University wiki encyclopedia


  • Wow, so everything is connected?

Tunnels at Columbia: How accessible? : columbia

  • It seems that in the past, it was possible to go through the tunnels, but now they are mostly blocked off.
  • I’m also curious about the rooftops.
  • Forget the tunnels. A lot of the doors have been locked the last few years. You want to check out Mudd and Low library roofs!

  • Go to Mudd, and take the elevator to the 12th floor, I believe? Turn right in the hallway and go all the way to the end and go through the emergency exit door. Go all the way up the stairs and you should be able to get to Mudd roof!!!

  • Don’t forget about rooftops too! Schermerhorn has a rooftop greenhouse area which can be accessed from the stairs, but be careful not to lock yourself out! You can’t enter Schermerhorn during the night as an undergrad, but you can come up from the tunnels.

  • Also, International Affairs has an incredible rooftop view — you can see the lights of Times Square from up there. Usually, at least one of the doors to access the roof of IA was propped open by an object or just wind force — they are alarmed but I never had to test to see if the alarms are active. Maybe research door alarm systems as part of the exploration process.

  • The roof of the Northwest Science Building is amazing! There are also some great places to access the green roofs of Schermerhorn and Havemeyer.