• Organizing things to do for IB Exam Prep

    • Math
      • Seems manageable to review during class and catch up during the final rush.
    • Physics
      • Seems manageable to review during class and catch up during the final rush.
      • Paper 2 is not a high priority, but would like to do well.
    • Japanese
      • Not much that can be done in the long term, but can do well if done properly.
      • Paper is not a high priority, but would like to do well.
    • English
      • Would like to solve Paper 2 a couple of times and get it graded.
    • History
      • Solve Paper 1.
      • Prepare an outline.
      • Write Paper 2.
    • Chemistry
      • Review Anki flashcards.
        • Seems like doing one Anki flashcard per day is good.
        • Would like to finish by the end of this week.
      • Solve problems.
      • Solve Paper.
        • Should I do this during school classes?
  • Sunday

    • History
    • Chemistry
      • Finish 10.
    • Send Essay draft.
    • Write for Tokyo University.
    • Math.