• I’ve been thinking about how to approach tasks and allocate time in My Work Management.

  • However, I haven’t really thought about how to increase productivity per hour after determining what to do and how to allocate time.

    • I had the idea that setting a time limit and putting pressure on myself would boost productivity to some extent.
    • Also, even if I get distracted, I thought it might be beneficial or enjoyable in its own way.
      • Life is not just about producing progress stoically, that’s true.
  • Lately, I’ve been running out of time for the number of projects I want to accomplish simply.

    • So, I thought it might be worth considering how to increase productivity per hour seriously.
    • Whether to use the methods I come up with after considering how to increase productivity is something I can think about later.
  • image

  • Interview with Mr. Toshiki Toriuchi, a genius programmer, on how Japan can create “ICT technology that doesn’t lose to foreign countries” |Business+IT

    • I’m not sure if this will be helpful, but I want to explore these ideas.
  • It seems powerful if you can intentionally create a Flow State.

    • How can you do that?
      • It occurs when the difficulty of the task is just right.

      • It’s good to control the difficulty of your tasks.

        • Past me wrote something good, I see (blu3mo).
      • Reduce interrupting tasks.
    • Looking for widely recognized concepts.
  • Controlling My Attention

    • Turn off notifications?
    • I’ve never thought about reducing interrupting tasks before.
      • In the past, even if there was a message I wanted to reply to, I would reply even if there was only one hour left until the deadline (blu3mo).
    • What is mac’s Focus Mode?
      • Does it not interfere with the behavior of Chrome?
    • It seems good to use mac’s focus mode and https://heyfocus.com/ together.
    • Impressions
      • The feeling of having limited attention is nice (blu3mo)(blu3mo).
      • The guarantee that “no notifications will come now” is a good thing.
        • It feels like standing on stable ground.
    • Is this Chrome extension good? (tkgshn) @(blu3mo)
  • Reflecting on attention

    • It seems possible to look back on it with Rewind or toggl.
  • Hearing

    • Noisy music might be distracting.
      • In fact, there seems to be research on this and conclusions may have been drawn.
        • There are too many dubious “studies” to be strict.
    • Ambient Music is good (kota-yata).
  • Meditation

    • I do this occasionally.
    • I do it when I want to concentrate when my mind is restless.
    • It seems good to do it before every focus session (blu3mo).
  • This seems like a macro version of the movement to avoid unnecessary thoughts during meditation.