Transhumanism is an ideology that aims to use new scientific technologies to evolve human bodies and cognitive abilities in unprecedented ways, in order to improve the human condition. It is sometimes abbreviated as “H” or H+. In Japanese, it is translated as “超人間主義” (Chōningen shugi). Transhumanism is also a field of study that explores future possibilities through human augmentation and the development and use of other future scientific technologies.

It seems to be related to [Optimism for the future], particularly in terms of how humans can evolve. It may also be related to [Human Augmentation].

There is a mysterious organization called the [Japan Transhumanist Association]. They have adopted the following declaration:

  1. We will strive to overcome involuntary suffering such as aging, illness, and injury. “Involuntary suffering” seems like a good frame for the problem.

  2. We will abandon blind faith in anything and pursue pure knowledge with a neutral stance, aiming for truth. This statement seems contradictory. “Pursuing pure knowledge and aiming for truth” versus “blind faith in anything.” Well, they seem to be saying that both can be done at the same time, so it’s all about balance.

  3. We promise our own improvement and growth, aiming for evolution as a species by adapting to societal changes. I wonder what they mean by “promise” here.

  4. We understand that coercion and oppression lead to despair, anger, revenge, and revolution, and we respect people’s spontaneity.

We consider the above to be the Transhumanist Declaration and we will uphold these principles.