• I think it’s highly likely that I’ll need to use it in the future, so I want to get used to it.

  • I was thinking of using LaTeX for the Math/Phys IA in IB or something, but since it doesn’t integrate as well with classroom and gsuite as docs, I think it’s better not to.

    • The equation feature in GDocs allows the use of LaTeX notation, so I’m thinking of getting used to it there.
  • Automatic completion

    • https://twitter.com/shoya140/status/1306622189232369665
    • Once you get used to it, you can do automatic completion in your mind (insanity) (takker)
    • When I was a university student, I had chat and a LaTeX environment at hand, but I didn’t have a real-time collaborative editing environment like Scrapbox. So, I would chat with my classmates and exchange TeX commands when discussing things like “Is this correct for the math report?” and naturally became able to do mental completion… (I don’t think it’s a necessary skill in modern times) (nishio)
    • If there is demand, I’m thinking of creating an automatic completion for Scrapbox as well.
  • In scrapbox, it can be used with [$ ].

  • I casually write equations in this Scrapbox, and (takker) often fixes them to LaTeX.

    • I’m very grateful, but I feel sorry.
      • I apologize for making you feel obligated (takker)
    • Most of them are just temporary writings, so it’s okay to leave them as they are (unless there’s another reason for doing so) 🙏
    • I guess it’s like the equation version of wanting to format a program that’s written casually, so you don’t have to worry about it (takker)
      • When I see it, I can’t help but fix it.
      • It’s like seeing a fallen bike in a parking lot and wanting to pick it up.
      • Understood 🙏🙏 (blu3mo)