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  • What kind of writing utensils?

    • A pen, maybe?
      • It’s been so long, I don’t have any on hand.
  • Past exams

  • SFC Short Essay 2021

  • SFC Short Essay 2015

  • Keio University SFC Strategy - Wikibooks

    • The question format is different from the Faculty of Policy Management. In the Faculty of Policy Management, there are several questions that require summarizing a large amount of materials, from factual evidence to one’s own thoughts, in about 600 to 800 characters. On the other hand, the short essays in the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies consist of multiple sub-questions, each asking for separate evidence and thoughts. There are also questions that must be answered in 200 characters. The ability to answer clearly and concisely in the minimum number of characters is required.

      • So it’s divided into sub-questions.
    • What should be the distribution of words if there are no specific instructions?
  • How long should it take in 2 hours?

    • IB Japanese P1 is 75 minutes, so maybe around 1.6 times that.
  • I want to write it once and then try a reliable proofreading service.

  • Things that seem to be worth doing consciously

  • It’s important to do things that can be easily scored.

    • Mentioning and responding to counterclaims
    • Variety of sources (quantitative/qualitative evidence, etc.)
  • 【SFC】How to conquer the short essay and pass the Keio University Faculty of Environment and Information Studies | Keio Early Prep School | Keio University, Waseda University, and Other Competitive University Specialist Prep School

    • Ultimately, it is required to create solutions to unresolved problems.

    • As the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies spans many fields and aims to address human issues, the ability to identify the fundamental problems from various perspectives is crucial.

    • It is extremely important to live while finding interest in various fields and discovering and solving problems.

    • It’s definitely something you can confidently do (blu3mo)
    • That student had a clear vision for the theme.

    • Of course, there were themes that interested them and themes that didn’t, but they had a clear vision for the themes they were interested in even before the guidance began.

    • It is undoubtedly true that they were able to pass the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies because they had that vision.

      • (In terms of taking a test,) it’s like thinking in advance about what kind of vision/direction you would take to solve this kind of problem.
  • 120 minutes

  • ①: Set the good and bad from someone’s perspective on social phenomena.

  • ②: Structure the problem and set the causes.

    • In other words, it’s important to be able to analyze the problem, break it down effectively, and organize evaluation criteria.
  • 【Definitive Edition】Keio University SFC (Environment and Information) Short Essay Exam Trends and Strategies [Covers All Years] | Short Essay Guide | User’s Manual for Passing the Keio SFC Short Essay Exam in the Shortest Time

    • Make sure to research the philosophy because it will also appear in the question.
    • Breaking down the question is also important.
    • Interpret the question, read the materials while considering their relevance, and write logically developed arguments.
      • It feels like exactly what we’ve been doing in IB.
  • The more I research, the more it feels like an exam for me.

    • If I can’t do this, then what have I been doing for the past few years with IB/development, etc.?