from Fractal Reader Development and Operation Diary Fractal Summary: 2024/5/9 Feeling a bit sluggish, so organizing hypotheses for validation

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    • It seems like the decline in the number of repeat users has stopped (blu3mo)

Feeling a bit sluggish lately

  • The main reason seems to be the lack of a clear direction
  • Even if I repeat the same things I tweet in Japanese on Twitter, only about 5% of the gathered traffic seems to stick around
  • I want to continue the cycle of “creating hypotheses and validating with minimal resources”

Assumptions (Regarding the allocation of resources in my life)

  • I don’t intend to invest my development resources heavily in this
    • I don’t particularly aim to become a strong web engineer, so I don’t find the skills or experience gained there very appealing
  • I will use my resources for business creation and decision-making (blu3mo)
    • I find great value in the knowledge and insights based on the real experiences gained there
    • There’s also motivation from the enjoyment of new experiences#living like a mist in the world
    • I already feel that I’ve gained a perspective and mindset of someone who creates businesses, which I couldn’t get from research or hobby development (blu3mo)

Withdrawal Conditions


  • Achieve MMR$1000 with Fractal Summary without using too many development resources

    • I will withdraw once this is disproven
    • 10 per month * 100 people, 100 per month * 10 people, $1000 per month * 1 person
    • Assuming a toC, the goal is achievable

      • Assuming readers of academic papers as customers, the goal is achievable

        • Feeling a bit off
          • Academic papers are generally highly specialized, so summarizing them appropriately requires high LLM performance
          • Processing PDF papers properly and delving into them is quite challenging
            • Especially with formulas
        • But about 20% use them that way
      • Assuming readers of internet articles as customers, the goal is achievable

      • Assuming people who summarize meeting transcripts as customers, the goal is achievable

        • This seems quite plausible
        • About 10-20% of users are using it in this way
        • It’s possible even with chat logs
        • Since this use case doesn’t seem widely recognized, I’ll tweet and see the response
        • I want to grasp more specifically what it means to be a “person summarizing meeting transcripts”
          • I run an online salon for educators, and we have regular meetings on Zoom, so I plan to try using it there (kawahiii)
            • I tried summarizing last week’s meeting video with Fractal Summary (kawahiii)
              • The accuracy of the transcription wasn’t sufficient (this is a glasp issue), and the lack of shared materials made it a bit hard to read (kawahiii)
                • It might be good to delve into what kind of transcription would be ideal (nishio)
                  • The example of Social Hack Day uses Zoom recordings uploaded privately on YouTube and uses that transcript
              • Currently, it might be better to have meetings that don’t handle materials in a dialogue format? (kawahiii)
              • I’ll try using it for now and see the reactions of the customers (kawahiii)- “When sharing materials on the screen, just listening to the audio might not provide enough information,” said nishio.
  • “Oh, that’s helpful,” replied blu3mo.

    • “Indeed, content that can be understood solely through text might be more appropriate,” added blu3mo.
  • Regarding YouTube and podcasts

  • Besides the above, there may be other good customers.

    • Although not deeply explored, potential customers could include those who read legal literature or use cases in the education sector.