• Paragraphica The process of capturing a photo involves focusing the light reflected by the subject through a lens and directing it onto a digital sensor or film. However, the “Paragraphica” developed by Bjorn Carman, a designer based in the Netherlands, operates differently. This camera does not require traditional lenses for photography; instead, it utilizes location data and image-generating AI to create landscape photos.

  • AI Camera https://gigazine.net/news/20230715-paragraphica/

  • Poetry https://poetry.camera/ Poetry Camera is a unique device that prints poems instead of photographs, offering a novel way to preserve memories without the distractions of screens, notifications, and apps. Limited releases are expected soon, and interested individuals can sign up for early access.

  • Anti-AI Camera https://apps.apple.com/us/app/zerocam-anti-ai-camera/id6483933438

  • カメラ