Plurality x Immersive Tech with Jeff

Projects like:

Currently conducting research at the University of Tokyo, acting as a mediator between:

  • Various political ideologies
  • Different languages
  • Diverse academic disciplines
  • Varying time zones
    • Engaging in asynchronous conversations using this software
  • Different communication styles and cultural backgrounds

Exploring the intersection of plurality and augmented deliberation, llm-moderation with active involvement from:

Seeking ways to establish connections and collaborations, such as potentially participating in the February LLM moderation conference in San Francisco in collaboration with the Plurality Institute.

Insights shared on LLM, social science, and digital democracy contexts:

A multiplayer AI facilitating remote team coordination and swift progress asynchronously.

  • Tool with similar ideology in AI-mediation (blu3mo)

Utilizing AI for democratic discourse: Chat interventions enhancing online political conversations at scale.

  • Valuable reference for validating asym-chat through a social science approach (blu3mo)

Amy Zhang

Head of the Social Futures Lab Focuses on human-computer interaction and social computing to enhance online discourse, collaboration, and understanding.

MIT Center for Constructive Communication Developing tools, methods, and systems to foster connection and unity for a healthier society.

Aims to support deliberation and governance tools, promoting interoperability among such tools.

Opportunities and Risks of LLMs for Scalable Deliberation with Polis

  • Context: Polis, a deliberation support opinion clustering tool.

Fine-tuning language models to foster agreement among individuals with diverse preferences

Christopher Rytting

  • LLM x Social Science

Taylor Sorensen

  • Passionate about leveraging language for positive global impact through AI/language models.

Manon Revel

Jigsaw, based in New York City, aims to address global challenges through technological solutions, from countering extremism and online censorship to safeguarding access to information.

Mission: Collaborating with communities to study technology’s impact on society and proposing changes to digital spaces for public benefit.

Leveraging AI for democratic discourse: Chat interventions can improve online political conversations at scale

Enhancing group participation and preventing harassment through social norms in 2,190 online science discussions

  • Previous work focuses on using Large Language Models (LLMs) as simulated agents in traditional economic lab experiments.

  • Auctions llm

Large Language Models as Simulated Economic Agents: Insights from Homo Silicus?

Lisa Schirch

Research focuses on the positive roles of technology in “peacetech” and “digital peacebuilding.”