VijñaptimātratāAvataṃsaka AvataṃsakasūtraKūkaiKitaro Nishida image

Makio Takemura

In this world, there is no substantial existence; everything exists in relation to each other. So, what is the self, and how should it exist? From the perspective of Vijñaptimātratā to the Avataṃsaka’s realm of interpenetration, further to Kūkai’s mandalas of universal pervasiveness, and then to Nishida’s “philosophy of individual things.” Traverse the mountain ranges of philosophy towering in the East, illuminating the essence of wisdom towards the future in this magnificent book.

  • I bought it because interesting keywords from Buddhism were lined up in the title for some reason (blu3mo).
  • It seems good to read it while acquiring prerequisite knowledge with other simpler related books in hand.
    • There is a possibility that you already have some fragmented prerequisite knowledge accumulated (blu3mo).
    • Since I hardly know anything about Nishida, it seems good to read his own works.

I also bought it because the title seemed interesting (nishio).