• Number of tokens

    • One session
      • input 282 + number of characters in the text
        • Assuming the text is 1000 characters, the total would be around 1300
      • output 600
        • Providing 5x3 questions in JSON format
      • for gpt4o
        • $5.00 / 1M input tokens
          • 1300 * (5/1000000) = 0.0065
        • $15.00 / 1M output tokens
          • 600 * (15/1000000) = 0.009
        • Totaling around $0.015
        • Can be halved if using batches
    • If doing 5000 pages
      • 75 = 10,000 yen
  • Yesterday, processing 500 pages with gpt-4o cost around $5

    • Isn’t that good? (blu3mo)