Getting Stuck on Taking a Shower Before Starting Work

  • Common issue (blu3mo)(blu3mo)

  • The seemingly troublesome task of taking a shower becomes a hurdle, preventing progress.

    • Introducing additional tasks like exercising before showering raises the hurdle even higher.
    • Taking a shower tends to create dependencies with other tasks before and after.
  • Looking for solutions

    • Start with the Issue Bot
      • “Taking a shower is a major hurdle when starting work.”

      • “Exercise should be restructured as an independent activity rather than a task before showering.”

        • Instead of getting stuck, it’s fine to take a shower as many times as needed (blu3mo)
    • “You must do this before taking a shower.”
  • Currently, I am writing this without taking a shower.

    • Why am I not going to shower?
      • Because I can go anytime.
    • Why do I want to go to the shower?
      • Feeling sweaty is uncomfortable.
      • I want to start Pomodoro after feeling refreshed.
    • I don’t feel like going right now (for example, within 10 seconds), but I feel like going soon.
      • Continuing this feeling leads to delaying taking a shower.
      • There seems to be a bug in evaluating action choices.
  • It feels like the idea of “choosing whether to go to the shower or not” is fundamentally wrong.

    • It would be better to habitually think of showering as something to do as soon as possible.
  • For now, if there’s time to write this article, why not go?