(yunolv3) just posted — 04/13/2024 6:12 AM The new book by the author of a philosophical work on the era of smartphones [https://amzn.asia/d/91lEt7h (also a great read)] caught my attention because it was too good. I want to share it. They articulate everything I want to say, which is really helpful.

This discussion about rails reminded me of:

I believe there is happiness in acting on impulse (pre-reading thoughts). Like when you come up with an idea and then get absorbed in writing on Scrapbox or diving into implementation.

I am curious about what “impulse” really is:

  • Negative Theology
  • There are aspects that cannot be explained by intrinsic motivation, and that is impulse.
  • Intrinsic motivation can be weighed, but impulse seems to defy weighing altogether.
  • It is not born from external or others’ perspectives.

It is important to identify biases, abstract them, and articulate them, I agree (blu3mo).

I agree that Individuality is important.

  • However, if we start talking about that, wouldn’t we lose the ability to discuss design principles and offer general advice?
  • Does this overlap with the challenges Mr. Hatanaka is facing? (blu3mo)(blu3mo)