• I have a desire to study more than just the comprehensive information system timetable like Tsukuba Mast.

    • This is because there may be a path to success in having expertise in multiple fields rather than just focusing on information systems.
    • It is also related to the desire to create interesting experiences.
  • The same goes for the people I surround myself with.

    • It would be better to be in a place where I can interact with people from various fields, rather than being surrounded by only information systems people.
      • This applies both domestically and internationally.
      • I can probably achieve the “everyone around me is in the information systems field” environment on Twitter, haha.
    • In that case, if it’s in Japan, it would be the University of Tokyo or SFC.
    • I wonder which overseas university would be a good choice? Selection of overseas university application destinations
  • The same goes for the location as well.

    • I prefer a city with various things rather than a city with only a university.
  • Is this what they call “serendipity”? (?)

  • Understanding Multidisciplinary Thinking

  • Theory of the versatile body

    • To find out if an unknown research field suits me or if it provides enough fulfillment to put my passion into it, I have no choice but to dive into it myself. (p118)


  • [/mitoujr2021/Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World](https://scrapbox.io/mitoujr2021/Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World)

    • Using various research and the lives of famous people as examples, this book demonstrates the disadvantages of specializing in acquiring Expertise early on, and emphasizes the importance of taking time to gain diverse experiences in order to find a “match quality” (the compatibility between a person’s abilities and specific jobs or roles) in an era of high uncertainty. (ukkaripon)

  • In that case, I’m a little unsure whether I should focus mainly on information systems for my exams.

My exams
