• I’m retrying because I gave up last time towards the end.
  • Peano Axioms
  • Sets deal with Infinity.

  • They demonstrate their true power in infinite sets.

  • Russell’s Paradox
  • Set operations and logical operations
    • Sets defined by List Comprehension are closely related to logic.
      • Well, that makes sense.
    • Any abstract concept can be studied in mathematics if it can be expressed in sets or logic.

    • Algebra, geometry, analysis, even mathematics itself#mathematics is doing mathematics.

      • I don’t really understand, but maybe I’ll understand later (blu3mo).
  • Syntactic Methods
  • Epsilon-Delta Method
  • Representing formal systems in arithmetic
    • I understood the procedure, but I still don’t understand the intention or what I want to do.
  • Consistency
    • A system that can prove both a and not a is contradictory.
    • I want to think about proving both the existence and non-existence of consistency in a system.

First reading in 202010

  • To see through hidden Structure. There is an irreplaceable joy there.

    • This really expresses the fascination of Mathematics.
  • It’s okay not to understand immediately.

  • It’s much better than thinking you understand. “This might be the meaning of what is written in this mathematics book. But in reality, I might not understand it yet.” It’s good to think like that.

  • Definition
  • While I find beauty in various aspects of mathematics, I don’t find the fundamental part of the mathematical system beautiful at all.
    • I wonder why.
    • Is it because it feels “real”?
    • Or should I say, is it the intention of the “human” who tries to conform to reality?
    • In other words, is it because I was shown that mathematics, as I know it, is nothing more than a formally constructed system that is convenient for humans?