• Difficult to understand
    • It seems that there is a lack of training in visualizing complex sets in the brain.

  • What is R?
    • Is it the “set of sets that do not contain themselves”?
  • Now, let’s consider if R belongs to R.
    • If it does,
      • According to the definition of R, “R does not belong to R” would be true.
      • This is a contradiction.
    • If it doesn’t,
      • According to the definition of R, “R does not belong to R” would be false.
      • This is also a contradiction.
    • I see~ (blu3mo)
      • It has a mathematical bug feeling and is interesting.
    • As a countermeasure, let’s define the universal set U and impose a constraint.
      • Why is this okay? (blu3mo)
        • R becomes the “set of sets that do not contain themselves and belong to U.”
        • Now, let’s consider if R belongs to R.
          • If we assume that it does,
            • According to the definition of R, “R does not belong to R” and “R belongs to U” would be true.
            • This is a contradiction.
          • If we assume that it doesn’t,
            • According to the definition of R, “R does not belong to R” and “R belongs to U” would be false.
            • Taking the contrapositive, “R belongs to R” or “R does not belong to U” would be true.
              • Here, if we consider “R does not belong to U” as true, it doesn’t lead to a contradiction (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
                • It doesn’t feel very intuitive, but I understand the logic.
                • So, does this definition mean that R is excluded from the universal set?
                  • If that’s the case, does R become equal to U?
                  • What if we consider something similar to R but not R?
                    • In this case, R is equal to S and that’s it.
                    • In this case, since R includes T, it seems that R is the universal set anyway.
      • can be any set, not necessarily the universal set (takker)
        • cf. Axiom of extensionality
        • For example, , etc.
          • In this case, clearly leads to a contradiction.
      • If you interpret the universal set as “a set that contains all elements in the current domain of consideration,” then it is fine as it is.
        • However, if you consider the universal set as “a set that contains all sets,” then it is problematic.
          • The naive interpretation of “a set that contains all sets” leads to paradoxes.
  • What about {R}?
    • Let’s consider if {R} belongs to R.
      • {R} is no different from ordinary numbers or any other ordinary things.
      • So, it simply belongs to R.